Monday, June 18, 2007

First Assignment

Project 1: Self-Portrait Collage

Read THIS for Wednesday before you begin.

For this project you will first make self-portraits in class using Photo Booth (do not use Photo Booth effects). You will use Photoshop to edit these images and change them in a creative way.

You will also need to select several objects that are Metaphors for your personality. Using images of these objects along with photographs of friends and family, combine them together using Photoshop to create a digital collage that represents the things that are most important to you. Keep certain aspects in mind when choosing your objects and pictures: color, texture, shape, and other Elements of Design that you read about.

You should bring pictures to class with you that are metaphors for your personality. If you find an image online that you want to use, post it to your blog so it is easy to access. You will not need more than 5 items.

We may be able to scan these in during class, but it is best if we only have to upload images found online.

The minimum manipulation requirements are:
Adjust the color of at least one of your images
Use at least 3 different filters
Use at least one layer style
You must have a background with objects just in front of it
You must have objects in the middle ground that overlap the background
You must have objects in the foreground that overlap everything behind them

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Getting Started

For our first class I would like you to create an e-mail account for yourself if you do not already have one. To set up an account, go here or here.

Once your account is set up, send me an e-mail using this account with your name, age, and how often you use the computer.

Next, I need you to set up a blog for yourself through Blogger. This is where you will post all of your work for class. Once you have set up this account, send me another e-mail with the URL of your blog page so I can link it to the Upward Bound Digital Art blog.

Your blog page should also be used for things like journaling about your summer, posting pictures and links to your favorite websites, and other interesting things you think others in the class would benefit from learning about.